This Lifestyle Opened a Path to Feeling Unstoppable!

My story is similar to many out there; I was stuck in a cycle of diets, restriction and anxiety. I’ve always been interested in health and wellness, and I eagerly followed the advice doled out by fitness magazines and conventional “wisdom”: eat six small meals a day—a protein with a carb, don’t let yourself get hungry, avoid fat, exercise intensely six days a week. I wanted to be a healthy, fit woman so I obeyed this advice.

The problem: this healthy lifestyle was making me feel decidedly unhealthy. I was constantly tired, sore, constipated, gassy and bloated.


(On a side note, when I spoke to my gynecologist about my digestive issues she actually told me it was normal to eliminate only twice a week!) I broke out so frequently that I started using Proactiv in my late thirties.

I thought about food constantly (probably because the food I was eating wasn’t very enjoyable or satiating), and I was always worried about missing a meal and becoming dizzyingly hungry as a result. I felt irrationally emotional about food because I was restricting myself and working so hard—but my pants were getting tighter! When a few acquaintances assumed I was pregnant because of my disproportionately bloated stomach I went in a funk for weeks.

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What We Do?

Primal Health Coaching is centered on ancestral health principles, a scientifically validated wellness plan that mimics that of our primal ancestors and supports our genetic evolutionary blueprint with real-food, low-carb eating, inspired movement and play, and stress-reduction and balance in all aspects of life.


As part of the ancestral health movement, nutrition, fitness and healthy lifestyle behavior program has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and counting.

The 10 Laws of The Primal Blueprint (by Mark Sisson)

The 10 Laws of the Primal Blueprint aren’t a modern creation, but the laws that have governed human evolution for two million years. The following 10 Laws make up the activities and lifestyle behaviors of our primal ancestors—the very supportive habits that created healthy, happy, strong, lean and versatile primitive beings.

Follow the 10 Laws and align with your genetic recipe for optimal health and wellness*. (For more in-depth explanation of how the 10 Laws shape health, check out the Primal Blueprint’s 8 Key Concepts. To help get you started on the 10 Laws, follow our Action Items.)

1. Eat lots of animals, insects and plants

Focus on quality sources of protein (all forms of meat, fowl, fish), lots of colorful vegetables, some select fruits (mostly berries) and healthy fats (nuts, avocados, coconuts, olive oil). Observe portion control (calorie distribution) week-to-week more than meal-to-meal. The majority of your calories should come from animal protein; however, the bulk of your plate should be made up of colorful fruits and veggies. Eliminate grains, sugars and trans and hydrogenated fats from your diet.

2. Move around a lot at a slow pace

Do some form of low-level aerobic activity two to five hours a week, be it walking, hiking, easy bike riding or swimming. Low-level activity is necessary (especially if you find yourself chained to a desk every day). Ideally, and when possible, find time to go barefoot or wear as little foot support as possible. The combined effect will be an increase in capillary perfusion and fat burning, and an overall integration of muscle strength and flexibility*.


3. Lift heavy things

Go to the gym and lift weights for 30-45 minutes, two to three times a week. Focus on movements that involve the entire body and in wider ranges of motion—not just on isolating body parts. Emulate the movements of our ancestors: jumping, squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, twisting, etc. These actions will encourage your genes to increase muscle strength and power, improve bone density, enhance insulin sensitivity, stimulate growth hormone secretion and consume stored body fat*.

4. Run really fast every once in a while

Do some form of intense anaerobic sprint bursts once every 7 to 10 days. This could be as simple as six or eight (or more as long as the quality doesn’t diminish) short sprints up a hill, on the grass, at the beach… or repeated intense sessions on a bicycle (stationary, road or mountain bike). These short bursts also increase human growth hormone release (HGH is actually released in proportion to the intensity—not the duration—of the exercise).*

5. Get lots of sleep

Get plenty of quality sleep. Our lives are so hectic and full of things to do after the sun goes down that it’s often difficult to get enough sleep. Yet sleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining good health, vibrant energy and a strong immune system.

6. Play

Spend some time each week involved in active play. In addition to allowing you to apply your fitness to real-life situations, play helps dissipate some of the negative effects of the chronic stress hormones you’ve been accumulating through the week.

7. Get some sunlight every day

Contrary to the “common wisdom” dispensed by dermatologists (who suggest you shun the sun), the Primal Blueprint insists that you get some direct sunlight every day. Certainly not so much that you risk burning, but definitely enough to prompt your body to make the all-important vitamin D. A slight tan is a good indicator that you have maintained adequate vitamin D levels. Natural sunlight also has a powerful mood-elevating effect, which can enhance productivity at work and in interpersonal interactions.*

8. Avoid trauma

Eliminate self-destructive behaviors. These concepts are self-evident to most people (wear seat belts, don’t smoke or do drugs, don’t dive into shallow water), yet so many of us live our lives oblivious to impending danger. Develop a keen sense of awareness of your surroundings.

9. Avoid poisonous things

Avoid exposure to chemical toxins in your food (pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, etc.) and on your skin. But also try to avoid the hidden poisons in foods like sugars, grains, processed foods, trans and hydrogenated fats, and mercury in certain fish.

10. Use your mind

Exercise your brain daily as our ancestors did. Be inventive, creative and aware. If your work is not stimulating (or even if it is), find time to read, write, play an instrument and interact socially.

Come and join us and start to reprogram your genes to achieve your optimum body composition, ideal health, reduce stress, sleep better and lead happier and energized life. It is easy to do and anyone can achieve their ultimate goals by following our weight loss plans and having us coach you through the transition.

Rob Hourmont, Certified Primal Health Coach
A Primal Lifestyle

Building a Healthy and Energised Body By Mark Sisson

Primal eating is first layer to the blueprint for building a healthy and energised body. The more Mark Sisson studied our primal ancestors, the more he realized that lifestyle behaviors beyond diet also contributed to a healthy—and happy—life.

The foods our primal ancestors ate, the amount of sun they got, and the sort of movement they engaged in to survive shaped their genome. While the world has changed in innumerable ways in the last 10,000 years (for better and worse), the human genome has changed very little and thus only thrives under similar conditions.

Simply put, if you want a good future, you’d better listen to the past. And that’s where The Primal Blueprint comes in.


The Blueprint not only teaches you how to eat in a way that will help your body and genes become efficient at fat burning and muscle building, but also how you can increase your longevity and wellness by reducing disease and illness.

Make a commitment to Primal living or a Primal Lifestyle as I call it, and you will witness your body and mind transform within the shortest time. You will be able to achieve your ideal body composition without adhering to some frustrating diet, and without banging yourself up on long and excessive runs or weight training sessions.

The Primal Blueprint is no fad weight loss diet plan—it’s a set of lifestyle laws and habits that are the keys to health, wellness and longevity.

Eliminate the Bad Food From Your Diet

We do not have to eliminate the foods we enjoy most, we just have to become aware as to what certain foods and beverages are doing to our body, then eliminate the bad ones! Beyond cutting out excessive carbs and grains, along with processed foods and hydrogenated oils, there really is no sacrifice or struggle involved.

You can eat all the healthy fats, meats, fruits, vegetables and decadent treats like dark chocolate you want!


That’s because these healthy foods are essentially made up of protein and fat—macronutrients that the human body has evolved to prefer.

Grains like wheat and corn were only introduced in the last 10,000 years or so, and we just don’t take well to the processed sugars and carbohydrates they contain. After all, grains—and packaged processed foods—were never part of our primal ancestors’ diet.

The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson

The Primal Blueprint (best selling book, written by Mark Sisson) and its 10 Laws is a clear and straight forward guide as to how we should ideally live healthy based on how our primal ancestors had to live their lives to survive. However, the majority of the population does not follow this concept, not even in the slightest degree.

Once you begin to understand what exactly is meant in detail with each of these laws, it will be like a light switch turning on in your brain over and over again.

As you slowly gain knowledge and start to understand the real value of nutrition and what it can do to your body and mind, both negative and positive, as well as the many other elements these laws address, your body and mind will undergo a transformation.

These 10 laws literally cover our scope of activities in life and if you take to them your life will become healthier, happier and energised.”

My 16 Favorite Fat Sources (Plus My Latest Big-Ass Salad) By Mark Sisson

Going ketogenic has made me hone in on my fat sources even more than before. This is an essential practice for anyone seriously pursuing a ketogenic diet. As fat will comprise the majority of your calories, you need to maximize the nutrition you’ll obtain from the fats you choose for a healthy living.

You could technically go keto using canola oil, refined coconut oil, and MCT oil powder—many of the ketogenic formulas used in epilepsy clinics are highly processed and refined—but I wouldn’t recommend it. Micronutrients still matter. They arguably matter even more when your food sources are restricted.

I try to get whole food fats. If the fat is isolated and extracted, I try to make sure it’s rich in micronutrients. If it’s low in micronutrients, I make sure I have a good reason to consume it.

There are many reasons. Some rooted more in nutrition, some more in pleasure, some convenience.

So what are my favorite fat sources? How do I use them? What do I find so appealing?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

From the historical precedent (1000s of years of heavy use in the Mediterranean and Levant), the clinical support (hundreds of trials showing beneficial effects), and the light peppery finish, it’s difficult for anyone to deny the beauty and enduring utility of a good bottle of extra virgin olive oil. I’ll. Even though EVOO is quite robust in the face of high heat, I still prefer using it in certain dressings and for lightly grilling fish, just to preserve the delicate flavor.

Go to a farmer’s market and buy the local olive oil that tastes best to you. Absent that, the EVOOs from California are usually quite good (and real).

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Introducing the Primal Health Coach Program By Mark Sisson

A couple years ago I had one of my biggest visions yet—something that felt bold, insistent, and personal. Approaching nearly a decade of putting my passion and resources into Mark’s Daily Apple, I knew the movement and community it had helped inspire were at a threshold point.

I’d heard from so many readers over the years (many of them health practitioners) who were living according to the Primal Blueprint with incredible results but were increasingly frustrated by the lack of public attention and educational resources for this path to health. Some were even in the midst of medical training, receiving instruction on the worn, conventional teachings around nutrition, fitness, weight loss and chronic disease.

These readers asked in their messages how they could reframe their education as well as medical practice to include the truths of the Primal Blueprint as they had experienced them first-hand. Could there be a means of direct Primal instruction to match that of conventional sources? Clearly, it was time to take Primal education to a new level, and that’s how the Primal Blueprint Certification was born.

And, yet, even then the question has hung in the air: how do we best encourage the dissemination of the Blueprint model and support those who want to share it professionally as well as personally? What more could we do to open the way for people to effectively teach as well as advocate for the Primal promise?

The answer is this announcement today. I’m proud to introduce the first and preeminent ancestral health coaching school: the Primal Health Coach program.

Read more about healthy weight loss plan :

Why the Primal Health Model?

Primal Health Coaching is the singular coaching certification founded in scientifically validated ancestral health principles.

The context for this model, the acclaimed Primal Blueprint, supports maximum vitality and well-being through the timeless integration of strategies across a broad spectrum of lifestyle dimensions, including nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress management, sun, play and enrichment.primal-health-coach-square.jpg

The goal is straightforward even while the biological mechanisms are complex: normalize hormonal responses by adapting evolutionary patterns for modern day lifestyles and effecting desirable change in gene expression patterns toward optimum functioning.

The result is a reasonable plan that leaves plenty of room for individual design and preference. Know more :

Benefits of Hiring a Health Coach

A health coach can help clients better understand their diagnosis and assist with following through on the doctor’s treatment plan.

  • Health coaches dramatically increase adherence to medical and
    lifestyle recommendations.
  • Health coaches encourage patient ownership of health care and
    personal wellness.
  • Health coaches help patients integrate lifestyle efforts with
    treatment proposals and can help clients optimize physician

Like personal trainers, health coaches (some of whom are also certified personal trainers) can assess a client’s current fitness condition and work with him/her to create a dynamic, sustainable workout plan that fits that client’s current needs and shifts with ongoing advancement.

Like therapists and life coaches, health coaches emphasize future aspirations but specialize in supporting the journey to healthy live and wellness by offering both concrete strategies and personal encouragement throughout a client’s journey.